Online Student Application Portal (OSAP) Diploma in Kenya Registered Community Health Nursing (KRCHN)


Thank you for your interest in studying at St. Joseph's Mission Hospital School of Nursing, Migori. The School of Nursing has intakes each year.
We are currently receiving applications for the September 2023 Intake.

Click the Green button below labelled 'New Application' to begin your application in case you are new.

If you already begun the application and is continuing, fill in the required details below that you previously submitted and click the button 'Continue'.

For general inquiry on admission/application or should you experience any difficulty in the application process:

Address St. Joseph's Mission Hospital School of Nursing, Migori,
P.O. Box 250 - 40400 Suna Migori. Kenya
Lets Talk +254 (0) 704 700 788 / +254 (0) 711 688 592
Email Contact